Pass Your Driving Test The First Time in 2022

Passing your driving test the first time must be your ultimate goal when you are doing your driving lessons. Everyone has got or will get nervous on the day of their practical driving test, it’s human nature.  Always try and keep a clear head while you are driving.

Tip #2

Get a good driving instructor:  Asking family and friends is good but why not have a look the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) website. Here you will find a list of your local driving instructors but more importantly it shows you which grade the instructors are, try and go for a grade A instructor if you can. They are by far the very best.
Please see the following link to the DVSA instructor website: Find driving schools, lessons and instructors.

Tip #3

Get your theory test booked in as soon as you can as there can sometimes be a wait of around 2-3 weeks in some areas. This will then give you options later on when you are ready to book a practical test. You can only book a practical driving test once the theory test is passed: Please see the following link to book a theory test via the DVSA’s website: Book your theory test.

Tip #4

Get studying for the theory test. The DVSA has 2 fantastic Apps I am happy to recommend. The first one is called “The Official DVSA Theory Test Kit (You can click here: DVSA Theory Test Kit for Android Users or DVSA Theory Test kit for IOS users)” which costs £4.99. The other App is called “The Highway Code”.

Tip #5

Now that you have passed the theory test, it is time to book your practical driving test. The waiting times for practical driving test vary at different test centres,  but you can book your test up to 4 months ahead. If you need to change the test date there is no addition cost as long as you give the DVSA 5 clear working days notice to change or cancel your driving test (the date for this information can be found on your booking confirmation email/letter that gets sent to you once you have booked your practical test).

Tip #6

Booking your lessons in:  It is important to get all your lessons booked in with your instructor, once your lessons are booked in then ask your instructor to email you all the lesson dates and times so you both have a copy/record of when your lessons are going ahead.   This stops any confusion over dates/times.

Tip #7

Now you have all your lessons booked in,  it is now time for you and your instructor to come up with your lesson plan so you will know what you will be doing on your each of your lessons (bear in mind this may need to change depending on your progress).

Tip #8

Doing a bit of homework for yourself really helps. It helps to use YouTube to get some information about the driving syllabus that you will be practising on your lessons, i.e. roundabouts and dual carriageways are a really good place to start. Also, google the new driving test, this came in to play in December 2017.
Please see the following link for the new test on the government’s website: Driving Test Changes

Tip #9

Get involved, at the end of each of your lessons, it is advisable to have a look back on the lesson and have a chat with your instructor on what you need to work to improve.  You can also write down a short list of no more than 3 things that you would like to work on in your next lesson and discuss this with your instructor. This will help you improve faster while also helping your instructor understand your weaknesses as you see them.

Tip #10

As your driving test is approaching have an in-depth conversation with your instructor on where you are at with your lessons, are you on track to be a for your driving test, do you need more lessons to practice certain areas, will you have enough time to practice these,  make sure you have covered the learning to drive syllabus in detail and you are feeling confident on the road.

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Tip #11

On the driving test day, make sure you have your provisional driving licence with you, if you turn up with no provisional licence then this will mean no driving test  Full stop.

Tip #12

It is wise not to overdo the driving on the test day before your driving test.  Depending on how far you are away from your chosen driving test centre, it would be best to not do any more than an hour to an hour and a half worth of driving before your practical test. If you over do the driving you will go into the practical driving test tired, which is never good. Before the actual practical test, take a 15-minute break for yourself to maybe have a cold drink, take a walk to clear your head or just to use the bathroom.

Tip #13

In the waiting room, your examiner will come out to introduce themselves to you and to explain what is going to happen on your driving test.  They may look a bit serious or even grumpy, don’t let this put you off, that is just their natural look.

Tip #14

During your driving test do not try and second guess what your driving examiner is thinking or what they may be about to say or do. Just stay focused on your driving,  if you think you have made a mistake putting that thought out of your mind and carry on. Just stay in the here and now. Whatever has happened has happened. You can’t change it now.

When you arrive back at the driving test centre make sure you take your car out of gear and put the hand brake on and switch off your car engine.

Congratulations if you have passed your driving test. If you haven’t you will the next time.  The driving test is not nearly as tough as you may think.
When you pass your driving test your examiner will take your provisional driving licence off of you and give you a pass certificate in its place, the examiner will then send off your provisional to the DVSA informing them of your pass and the DVSA will send you your full driving licence within a couple of weeks of passing your driving test.  Now you are a fully qualified driver,  remember please be patient with learner drivers when you see them on the road. You were like them once.
Learn to drive and Pass your Driving Test First Time with Intensive Courses – Intensive Driving Courses.

Last updated: 09/11/2022

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