Are you a Distracted Driver?

Are you a Distracted Driver?

This week I had the pleasure of doing a piece to camera for the ITV program Good Morning Britain on distracted driving, especially looking at distracted drivers who use their mobile phones to text and tweet while driving. The presenter and cameraman turned up at 6 am...
Summer Time Driving Test Secrets

Summer Time Driving Test Secrets

We are often asked when is the best time for taking a driving test. Experience has taught us that summer is typically the best time – here is why. Why Summer is the Best Time for Taking a Driving Test One of the main reasons summer is the best time for taking a...

I Need a Driving Licence. Where Do I Start?

You have decided now is the best time for you to get your full driving licence but your not sure where to start the process. I will give you a step by step guide from how to apply for your provisional driving licence up to the all-important passing your driving test....
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